A few weeks ago I visited a fabric shop just around the corner of my own shop. The Lady at
Offstoff sells mainly home decor fabrics, but a few designer patchworkfabrics aswell. I was thrilled, when I found some Tula Pinks Neptune inbetween. I talked a little bit to the lady and in an accessory sentence she said that she has some neptune honey buns in stock... I was totally exited and told her that I am going to buy them, no matter how many she has. There where two left, and because she already had them for quite a long time she made me a really good price.
I was so happy, and as I nearly finished one project yesterday, I am going to start a new one today, at least in my head.
This is what I am going to use:

I am really looking forward using "famous" Neptune...
Sometimes the pictures I upload, turn as they want, I don´t know why and how to fix it. If anyone has an idea, I would really apreciate an advice!
Love the colors! Sorry your pic turned...mine don't do that, so I'm not sure what's wrong...maybe it's the width of your actual blog...the space where you're typing...I have mine a bit wider. I also changed something just recently and there are new features for uploading/editing photos. Look in your dashboard. Hope you figure it out.
AntwortenLöschenI love the fabrics you've chosen (and the vertical picture looks kind of cool here). have fun with that jelly roll!
AntwortenLöschenoh, neptun.. ja, das wird ja interessant! bin gespannt, was du mit den honey bun-Maßen anfängst, ich hab auch noch zwei und schon so vage Pläne im Kopf, wie man die dünnen Streifen gut verarbeiten kann.
AntwortenLöschenviele Grüße!! Claudia
tolle quiltideen hast du auf deiner seite.kennst du schon die neue serie parisville von tula pink.die ist auch richtig toll