I spent the day on the couch, eating (ice cream), sewing, sewing, decorating and watching "glee".
I did a lot sewing stuff done. I am really happy about finishing the quilt I made for a very good friend of mine. Her birthday was in march and so I was late but I somehow felt unsure about the quilt, as these colours are not totally my type, and i didn´t feel totally in love with the pattern I made. But when I started quilting the whole thing I found out that this was what was missing. I did straight line quilting, about 1 cm distance between the lines. It took ages, I changed directions every five seems, which made some interesting waves in the fabric pattern... After I did ad the orange binding, I really can say, this one is good! Good for my friend and good because its unique. I can say I was inspired by a quilt in Denyse Schmidts book but the results look totally different.
I also sew a lot for the kaleidoscope quiltalong. As I am making a huge version of the quilt ( because I accidentally cut too much fabric), I have triangles for 50 blocks, it took some time and concentration to decide how to put the different prints together. But now I am done and can´t wait to finish the blocks.
The coolest thing ever is that I found an old singer sewing machine from the 6os (I guess) for 30 Euro (42$) at a thrift store. I couldn´t be happier as it makes this really classical sewing machine noise and sews very fast. I have to practise a little bit. I also bought some additional things for it (which cost more than the machine itself) and now I can do really cool things.
And it is so pretty, it has this aqua colour that I do love and it inspired me to install a sewing corner in my appartement. Before that I did all my sewing in my shop. But now I have to concentrate on work more and sew just in my free time. So as you see there were a few things going on in the last days, I hope you had such a good time too.
Have a nice rest of the week.
I love your big circle quilt!! The straight line quilting looks amazing! Beautiful new sewing machine!
AntwortenLöschenAllem voran: Yeah!!!! Es gibt noch jemanden den ich kenne, der Glee schaut. Ich habe tatsächlich bis auf eine (hab ich verpennt) alle Sendungen aufgenommen. Da kommt dann das "Mädchen" in mir zum Vorschein ;-). Kein Mensch im meinem direkten Umfeld schaut das oder kann das irgendwie nachvollziehen. Das mit dem Ungewiss sein, was den eigenen Quilt angeht kann ich total nachvollziehen. Ich hatte das mit dem roten Quilt, den ihr alle aus der BMQG mitleben durftet. Ich muss gestehen, dass ich ihn inzwischen liebe. Nun zu deinem Quilt. Du hast recht, das Quilting hat dem ganzen den I-Punkt aufgesetzt, machmal ist weniger mehr und die Linien in dem blau-violett sind die perfekte Ergänzung für den Quilt. Kompliment, toll geworden!!!
AntwortenLöschenLieben Gruß
You have been very busy! That is a terrific quilt!
AntwortenLöschenI love your older sewing machine. The ones from the 50s and early 60s were very "solid" machines. They'll last for a long time. You're very lucky to have found it!
Der Quilt ist wirklich schön geworden - das straight line quilting mag ich sowieso ganz arg - aber zu den Kreisen ist es klasse!!! (und braucht jede Menge Faden :))
AntwortenLöschenDer Quilt gefällt mir sehr und das straight line quilting will ich auch ausprobieren (auch weil meine alte Pfaff bei anderen Quiltarten nicht mitmacht *g*)
AntwortenLöschenwas für ein toller, toller Quilt!! wahnsinn..
AntwortenLöschendie Kreise mit dem straight line quilting sehen super aus!
schöne woche dir,
What a great machine! I have a 1969 Singer (in sad disrepair, unfortunately) that is still the best machine I've ever owned. Looks lovely--must be inspiring you to do more sewing! Congrats on the find!