For the last two months I was in absolute chaotic and panicing stress.
I renovated two shops,moved from the old one to the new one, had to do some craft fairs, to earn some money while no shop was open, and finally last saturday, we opened our new shop which is called "Liebling Neukölln" (Liebling = Darling and Neukölln=the area in Berlin where our shop is). I am really proud, we made it a little gem.
So now lets hope that people come and buy our lovely stuff.
Since saturday I am sewing (private things) like crazy. I want to finish some projects so I can start new things. I have so many ideas in my head, but I promised myself to have nothing to finish left before I start something new. And wow there was a lot.
I finsihed some pillows, here is a picture of the most simple one, there are three more to come, I am waiting for the right light to take some pictures.
There were also three Bee Blocks, I was not too late, but it felt terrible to have them lying around undone...
This one is for Julia from Little Girls Quilts for the bee Germany 2011 and as we speak I notice that I screwed it up!!! She wanted a 16,5" Block and I made mine 12,5". Damned... I absolutely hope she can use it somehow...
Ok well...
The third block is for Ulrike from "Lieblingdecke" also for the Bee Europa 2011 for the month November ( now I am ahead...) She asked for any kind of star, and I made her a little lone star block. Although this took a while, I really loved making this. Maybe someday I will do alone star Quilt for myself..
Last but not least I finished the Many trips around the world quilt top made out of Denyse Schmidts picnic and fairground collection. That was fun, too, but I have a little of a problem to find the right fabric for the Back... I can´t decide. Well this one and the back for the Kaleidcope quilt are the only projects which are left, before I am "allowed" to start something new. Lets see if this works. This is it for now. You all have a wonderful sunday!!!
oh wie schön, dass du wieder "da" bist, ich hab dich vermisst :-)
AntwortenLöschenSchönen Sonntag wünscht
liebe miriam,
AntwortenLöschensieht sehr vielversprechend aus. da komme ich bei nächster gelegenheit gleich mal vorbei.
lg, birgit
Good luck with your new shop!
AntwortenLöschenDas Geschäft sieht sehr ansprechend aus, viel Erfolg damit! Ich bin auch ganz entzückt vom Lone Star Quilt!
AntwortenLöschensehr schöner Laden und superschöner Quilt!! Ich mag picnics and fairgrounds sehr.
AntwortenLöschenOh my! Your new shop looks gorgeous, I only wish I could visit! :)
AntwortenLöschenPs. I am so happy you have Tasmanian Summer memories still x