
Dienstag, 26. Februar 2013

In featherbed with Anna Maria and Denyse

A (long)while ago I started this very cute quilt designed by Anna Maria Horner. While I was enthusiastic I finished all the blocks very fast. I sewed in chains, whirled through my sewing space like a hurricane. But what happened then? As soon as I had finished the blocks they sat there. And sat there for months.

 That happens to me quite often. I start very enthusiastic and shortly before it is about to put it all together, my quilting energy level for the project gets lost. I still have some projects like these in the drawer.

Well but this weekend I managed to finish the featherbed quilt. I call this quilt "In featherbed with Anna Maria and Denyse", because I used the  Flea Market Fancy fabric line of Denyse Schmidt. I really like how it turned out. First I wanted to do somy fancy and crazy free motion quilting on it, but then decided that I´d rather finish it with a stippling pattern, just to get it done.

Because I am in a creative quilting hole at the moment. I don´t know what project to start, don´t know which fabrics I want to use. I go through my stash once in a while and then I put all the fabrics I had chosen back on the shelf, because I don´t even know what pattern I want to sew.
The fact that I still have some quilts to finish might be the reason for that. The reason that I am blocked.
I hope this will change as soon as I have finished them up.

Until then I will enjoy my new quilt and will go to featherbed with Anna Maria and Denyse tonight.
Have a nice day, everybody!

14 Kommentare:

  1. Ganz großartig geworden! Wenn noch mehr so Leichen bei dir rumliegen und die alle so extrem gut aussehen, wie dieser, dann können wir uns ja auf was gefasst machen... Wünsch dir eine schöne gute Nacht mit deinem neuen Quilt!

  2. this is so beautiful! Enjoy!

  3. Your quilt is wonderful! It's an awesome feeling getting an old unfinished quilt done. I have an art quilt that's been in various stages, on my design wall for almost a year now! I keep getting distractred by smaller, quicker projects.

  4. Sehr schöner Quilt, bin gespannt auf die Vollendung der weiteren UFO's! Vielleicht findest Du ja ein kleines Projekt, das schnell vollendet ist, oder brauchst Du nicht eine schicke neue Tasche für den Sommer??? Es geht weiter....

  5. Beautiful quilt :) I think sometimes we gets over stimulated because of all the loveliness we see online. I had much the same feeling since August and are only just beginning to quilt again. My new rule is that I have to finish one wip, then I can start something new. Then I have to finish another wip,

  6. Ich kann mich meinen Vorrednern nur anschliessen.Ein wundervoller Quilt!!!!L.G.

  7. Antworten
    1. Thank you, it was fun making the feathers and I love your design!

  8. Liebe Miriam. Ich erkenne mich in vielem, was Du schreibst, wieder. Auch ich habe einige Ufos hier liegen, die mich in verschiedenen Formen quälen. Ich hätte sie gerne fertig, habe aber nicht die Zeit dafür oder fange dann doch etwas Neues an... Sie verschwinden aber deshalb ja weder aus dem Ufo-Bereich, noch aus meinem Kopf... Auch ich beginne begeistert etwas Neues und die Energie lässt dann schnell nach. Auch vielleicht weil etwas Neues meine Aufmerksamkeit findet.
    Dein Federnquilt ist total schön geworden. Ich möchte die auch irgendwann nähen. Wann - darüber denke ich lieber nicht nach.
    Hoffentlich findest Du bald einen Schubs, ein Ufo anzugehen. Ich hoffe es für mich auch. Toi toi toi.

  9. So beautiful - the fabrics just glow against the background and I love your stippled quilting!

  10. Incredible! I have a stack of feather blocks made by my quilting bee. Seeing this makes me want to put mine together right away!!!

  11. This looks wonderful! I love where you've taken the photo, your quilt stands out so beautifully. The backing is just right too! Well done!

    1. Haha, you think so? This is my dirty and grey backyard. The quilt hides the huge yellow rubbish bins...:-) The backing is a cotton/poly blend from ikea.
