Sometimes there are things I really feel unconfident about, even if there might not be a reason for that. I guess most of you out there know these feelings. If it is about how to approach people, how to cook a five course dinner or in this case how to put fabrics together.
One day at the shop with my business partner I was complaining about my lack of knowlege and confidence to put fabrics together for a quilt. And she (not at all knowing anything about this quilting stuff) looked at me quite surprised and said: "You are putting together different fabrics for your clothes designs every day, so why shouldn´t you be able to do so with the quilting fabrics?"
I thought about that and noticed that she was right. With just one difference, I am not thinking when I put together the fabrics for the clothes. I just hold them together and look (feel) how I like the combination.
So, why couldn´t I do so quiltwise? I think my problem might be, that I see so many gorgeous outstanding projects out there, fabrics chosen so wisely. I tend to compare myself a lot to much and always think I could never ever put something so beautiful and appealing together.As soon as my head gets the control to much, its over. And this is why I often tend to use whole collections for a project.
Why am I telling you this? Because for this quilt I didn´t. I started with this lovely fabric in the middle it is from Birch and is called Happy camping,I love the Mid mod design of it.
Going from there I chose the other fabrics (some Anna Maria, some Denyse, some Tula, some Joel and others) that I thought could fit colourwise. I have to say I am really pleased how that turned out. I used the
one seem flying geese technique again, I really love this technique because of the 3D effect it gives. I quilted it really undramatically with straight lines. The back is a lovely fabric from Ikea and the binding is a Joel Dewberry fabric from the heirloom collection.
I think this is a lovely quilt in fall colours. I might put it in the
shop, still not sure about it.
How are you dealing with colour and fabric choices for a quilt?