... lies behind me. I had a long weekend which means that I took the whole sunday as a sewing day. It was a perfect day for that as it was raining cats and dogs for hours. I started with a huge latte sitting in my pj on the kitchen window sill putting the last hexies together for the pillow which is going to go with my kaleidoscope quilt.

I appliqued the whole thing to a brown linenish fabric attached a Tula Pinks "Flutterby" binding and here it is- the finished pillow.

I absolutely love it!!! I can´t wait to see it with the quilt. Uhhh, this is not nearly finished... Waiting to be basted and then quilted...
But I can tell you I finished another quilt which was in line. The x and + modified quilt for a friends birthday which was in august. But here it is, beautiful and finished, I quite like it and I hope she will, too.

The last thing I want to show you today are the wonky houses which I made for Monaw in the Bee Germany this months, she sent out some beautiful colourful fabric and we could play with them a little bit. Here they are Monaw I hope you like them.

Have anice week everyone,
yours Miriam