What can I tell you? Where to begin? Well the business first:
Why I was so busy was the fact that I am going to move with my little shop here within Berlin. A friend of mine is this amazing crocheted jewelry artist, and we decided to make a shop together. The move will be at the end of september and therefor there is still a lot to do.
The new place is a sunny shop in a litlle different area and I am very exited, though a little scared, too.
Well another cool thing was my trip to Birmingham to the festival of quilts. When Tacha, one of the amazing girls from the Fat Quarterly Quilting magazine, told me about the festival a few months ago, I knew I wanted to go. I can tell you, I had a really good time. I saw amazing quilts, here are just a few of the hundrets of pictures I took,
This is it for now, but I will go on updating you in the next days, I hope.
Take care,
it was so great to meet you! ANd thank you soooo much for helping us out in the booth.
AntwortenLöschenNow, would you like a postcard? We're an online quilting magazine you know..... >_<