I have the feeling that everybody tries her best to make the most beautiful and matching pillow for the secret partner. My partner has a bit different style then me, but I think I am on a good way.
In fact I think I never had such a mess in my sewing space before. The pattern I chose for the pillow needs a lot of cutting and piecing and again cutting of tiny pieces. What I know now, is that I think I wouldn´t make a pillow like this for me, allthough the result is wonderful. I am just not that patient. I love me a good chain piecing, big pieses of fabric, fast.
But this is the wonderful thing of these swaps, that you have the possibility to chalenge yourself and learn new things.
So the top for the pillow is done, now its about the quilting but this has to wait, because there are still three quilts to be basted and quilted.
Have a wonderful rest of sunday,
...and in the back the scrappy trip blocks... obligatory.
Das sieht mega-spannend aus ...
AntwortenLöschen- und so ein Chaos auf dem Nähtisch -grins - das kenne ich ja gar nicht (Ironisch gemeint natürlich :)
Dein Top sieht echt spannend aus. Irgendwann mußt Du mir mal verraten, wie man das näht. Ich habe das Gefühl, nicht Dein Partner zu sein. Schade. :-) Aber Du hast Recht: ich habe schon 2 Sachen ausprobiert, die ich bislang noch nicht ausprobiert hatte. Und ich habe wieder 'ne Menge gelernt. Doch gut, daß ich mich angemeldet habe.