
Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013

Far Quarterly Linky Party

In less then two weeks there is the Fat Quarterly Retreat in London. I am looking forward to participate since Christmas when I gave myself the ticket as a present. I couldn´t make it last year and was extremely envious seeing all the wonderful things that had been done and reading all the stories and blogposts about it.  This time I am in. And I mean in!
This is me, Miriam the berlinquilter. My lovely sister took this picture back in may when we where on vacation in turkey.

I participate in the sample swap and made these three totes for that.

 Susan aka Canadianabroad made this lovely name tag for me. Isn´t it amazing?

In London I will be in the EEP sewing curves class, do the improv workshop and the handquilting with Lu Summers, and will learn something about photography on saturday.
I am so looking forward to learn a lot, chat a lot, meet many lovely people and have tons of fun.
See you in ten days!

10 Kommentare:

  1. Ich beneide dich und alle anderen für diese tolle Reise! Bitte, bitte viele Bilder und Berichte posten ;-) Ein ganz tolles Bild von dir, habe ich schon auf flickr bewundert!

  2. I hope that you'll bring with yourself some of your works for Show&Tell (I'm your fan:). See you there soon!

  3. Definitely looking froward to the weekend!Safe journey.

  4. ooh love your tote bags! :) I'm doing different classes. Wishing you lots of fun with yours!

  5. I love your totes Miriam! I hope I am lucky enough to get you in a swap again :)
    Your nametag badge is so lovely, as is the one you made me!

  6. Hallo Miriam, wir sehen uns nächste Woche! Viel Spaß bis dann! ps. deine Taschen sind wunderschön

  7. I am in all of your classes except photograph, looking forward to seeing you there!

  8. Hello,
    I'm not going to the retreat. Could you give us the name of the pattern for the bag or did you invent the pattern yourself?
    Danke, Beatrice.

    1. No worries. I got the original pattern here:
