I told you about the Neptune Honey Buns I purchsed a while ago. Here is what I made from it. I didn´t want to waist a single inch and so I made a string quilt (hardly inspired by this)
I quilted it with uneven lines and I really like the style of it, but not the making of straight lines, I prefer stippling. The back is just randomly pieced together, I nearly like the back as much as the front...
Unfortunately it is a little narrow, so it has a strange size. But I wanted it to be long enough to cover my feet, when I am snuggeling under it on the couch. I had to cut of a bit on the sides, as it was somehow wonky and I tried my best to even it. Well I really like how it looks, I added some teal, green, light brown, aqua and white to "stretch" the honey bun. Because I gave the second one a good friend who totally fell in love with it...
I have to say, I don´t like the honey buns. These narrow strips don´t show the fantastic fabrics enough and you don´t have so many possibilities to work with them (well I don´t know many...)
I really love my Neptune String Quilt.
Thanks for looking!
I've found your blog via the StashPact Flickr page, hello from the Garden of England (Kent). I love your quilts but I think the stripe quilt is really special, it looks so funky! One more to add to the ever growing list of projects I'd like to sew...!
AntwortenLöschenwundervoller quilt.ich benutze eigentlich meistens pink, orange und rottöne.aber wenn ich deinen string quilt sehe bekomme ich richtig lust mal was in blau und grün zu machen.ich habe mir aus der neuen soul blossom kollektion von amy butler zwei blaue stoffe bestellt.die sind superschön ein unerwartet sanftes blau obwohl das in dem internet shop nicht so aussah.susanne